Visualizing Wave Function

There is an example on plotting wave function in examples folder on the package. You can eather look at it and make your of recipe or include it. By default it uses GLMakie. But you can also use WGLMakie, by loading it instead. Note that GLMakie is probably faster.

To include it just type

include( joinpath(pkgdir(HKQM), "examples", "visualize_wave_function.jl") )

After that you can use e.g.

ceg = ElementGridSymmetricBox(5u"Å", 4, 24)
psi = particle_in_box(ceg, 2, 3, 1)

plot_wave_function(psi; resolution=(800,800))

Magnetic current visualizations

Also visualizing magnetic current is supported

# J is magnetic current

# 3D plot
plot_current(J_toro; mode_3d=true)

# 2D plot on xy-plane with z=0
plot_current(J_toro; z=0)