Changing Data Types and GPU Calculations
Changing Variable Type
Standard calculations use Float64
. This can be changed to vide variety of options.
using HKQM
eg = ElementGridSymmetricBox(Float32, 5u"Å", 4, 24)
This will persist to operators
r = position_operator(eg)
ScalarOperator{Array{Float32, 6}}
and quantum states
qs = particle_in_box(eg, 1, 1, 1)
QuantumState{Array{Float32, 6}, Float32}
Changing Type of Existing Data
To change types use command convert_variable_type
eg_f64 = convert_variable_type(Float64, eg)
qs = convert_variable_type(Float64, qs)
QuantumState{Array{Float64, 6}, Float64}
Changing Array Type
You can change array type quantum states and operators.' This can be done on construct time (here using Metal.jl)
julia> using Metal
julia> qs_mtl = particle_in_box(MtlArray, eg, 1, 1, 1)
Quantum state
julia> typeof(qs_mtl)
QuantumState{MtlArray{Float32, 6}, Float32}
julia> r_mtl = position_operator(MtlArray, eg)
Operator 4^3 elements, 24^3 Gauss points per element
julia> typeof(r_mtl[1])
ScalarOperator{MtlArray{Float32, 6}}
or by converting existing structures using convert_array_type
julia> qs_new = convert_array_type(MtlArray, qs)
Quantum state
julia> typeof(qs_new)
QuantumState{MtlArray{Float32, 6}, Float32}
julia> r_new = convert_array_type(MtlArray, r)
Operator 4^3 elements, 24^3 Gauss points per element
julia> typeof(r_new[1])
ScalarOperator{MtlArray{Float32, 6}}
TensorOperations backend
The default backend maximizes compatibility to different GPUs, but it is not as well optimized. To get a little bit more performance you can use TensorOperations backend, which also supports forward mode AD.
To use TensorOperations backend, just load TensorOperations
using TensorOperations
using HKQM
you will also need to use Array
type (or CuArray
) to use TensorOperations backend.
In the future, when TensorOperations will have other backends, it will become the default backend (again).
GPU Calculations
The main way to do GPU calculations is to change the array type to the one GPU supports
-> Nvidia GPUsoneArray
-> Intel GPUsROCArray
-> AMD GPUsMtlArray
-> Apple GPUs
For example to use on AMD GPU you could start by
using AMDGPU
using HKQM
eg = ElementGridSymmetricBox(Float64, 5u"Å", 4, 24)
qs = particle_in_box(ROCArray, eg, 1, 1, 1)
r = position_operator(ROCArray, eg)
p = momentum_operator(ROCArray, eg)
bracket(qs, r, qs)
bracket(qs, p, qs)
Alternative TensorOperations backend for CUDA
For CUDA there is alternative TensorOperations backend that from TensorOperations extension.
To use TensorOperations CUDA backend start by
using CUDA
using cuCUDA
using TensorOperations
using HKQM
and using CuArray
type should now use TensorOperations cuTENSOR backend.